Sidónio Paulino Raul Machaieie
Status: Active
Institutional E-mail : sidonio.machaieie@unilurio.ac.mz
Career: Lurio University Teachering Staff
Category: Assistent
Professional group: Teacher
Type: Full time
Department: Marine Ecology
Marine Biologist, he is a University Assistant of Faculty of Natural Sciences at Lúrio University (UniLúrio) where he has worked since 2016. Master in Ecology from Lúrio University (2020), Degree in Marine Biology from Eduardo Mondlane University (2014). Affection in the Marine Ecology Department and member of the Environmental and Conservation Research Center (CICA). He develops and participates in several expedition, research and extension works in the context of Conservation of Marine and Coastal Resources in several UniLúrio projects with national and international partnerships, mainly to the subjects of fisheries management and underwater monitoring. Participates in various science training and dissemination activities such as national and international conferences, workshops and training.
Skype: sdmachaieie
Email: sidonio.machaieie@unilurio.ac.mz
Cell: (+258) 841095400/ 871095400/ 829247750