The Physiology/Histology laboratory will be used for the practical and research classes of plant and animal species, as well as for the development of end-of-course dissertation papers. In the animal part it is intended to make a physiological study of all the systems that compose an animal, vertebrate and invertebrate, through the dissection method, allowing the student to identify the organs that compose the various systems, their functions and interrelationships.

In the plant area, besides the strictly physiological studies, morphological and phytosanitary improvement programs of fruit, forest and ornamental plants of regional, economic and ethno-botanical interest will be implemented. For food and cash crops such as English and sweet potatoes, maize, rice, beans and cotton, it will be important to improve production and productivity in terms of their nutritional value, adaptability and resistance to pests and diseases in the region. This can be done through tissue culture, grafting and seedling sanitation. For beekeeping resources, the analysis of the pollen spectrum and the physical and chemical characteristics of different types of honeys and the inference of their botanical origin will be made.