Watch videos developed with Students, Teachers and Researchers of the Faculty of Natural Sciences

CICA projects: for those who don’t like reports, there is always Youtube

Over the years CICA has developed community development and/or science projects and produced some short videos to better show the activities.

UniLurio Diving Courses

Coral Nurseries

Environmental Education

Shark tagging project

Santuary tagging

Reef fish Monitoring in Vamizi

Bentonic Sampling

Shark theatre and song

Grouper aggregation

Fish Attracting Devices Part 1-Preparation

Fish Attracting Devices Part 2: Marine Transport

Fish Attracting Devices Part 3: Sinking the Scrap

Training and conscientisation of the Vamizi CCP

Continues on litter collection with the community

Litter collection with the community in Nacala

Community meeting for discussing the management of the Fish aggregation Devices

Underwater monitoring of the Fish Aggregation devices-Nacala, Mozambique

ROV Sofar Trident Trial (short version) | WCS Mozambique | UniLurio-FCN